An Inspiring Journey to Recovery: Artman Rehab Helps CPR Instructor After Life-Changing Accident

November 3, 2022

For retired medical X-ray technician, Denise Mainardi, who has 45 years of experience in healthcare, taking care of others has always been a familiar skillset.

When a tree fell through her home on Halloween night of 2019, and on top of her while sleeping, Denise’s life took an unexpected turn. Denise, who has spent her entire career taking care of others, felt incredibly lucky to have Artman Rehab take care of her when she needed them.

“The night of the accident we had a storm with 125 mph winds. The tree that fell on top of me was my neighbor’s 110 foot oak tree,” Denise recalls. “My husband, fortunately, was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. They said he wouldn’t have survived if he was in bed next to me,” she says gratefully.

Denise’s husband immediately called 911 after the tree fell. Multiple first responders came to her rescue including ambulances, firemen and policemen. “There were also helicopters. My husband said it looked like something out a movie,” Denise reflects.

After first responders were able to free Denise from beneath the fallen tree, they transported her to the ICU at Abington Hospital. Denise suffered multiple injuries including a concussion, internal bleeding, three fractures to her pelvis, and a fractured ankle.

When Abington Hospital discussed potential facilities for Denise to receive rehabilitation services she knew Artman was the right choice.

Artman Rehab: The First Choice for Compassionate Care

“I’m a retired X-ray tech, and I used to teach CPR classes at Artman,” Denise explains. As she taught CPR classes to physical and occupational therapists within the community, Denise was plenty familiar with Artman’s dedication to compassionate care.

When Denise first entered Artman Rehab following her accident, the community’s warm and friendly welcome gave her a great sense of hope that she would recover successfully. “I remember my first day there, going down the hallway in my wheelchair. The team members recognized me as the CPR instructor, only now I was the patient. They made me feel so welcomed. They made me feel at home,” Denise reflects.

Knowing that she was in the trusted care of Artman’s physical and occupational therapists, Denise felt confident that she’d recover and be able to return to her everyday life.

“Recovering for me was always extremely important. Before the accident happened, I would babysit my grandchildren twice a week. I was also helping my parents move to an assisted living community. And my husband, who had a kidney transplant, also needed me for help with doctor’s appointments. I had a lot of people depending on me for different things, which is why it was so important for me to get back to normal” she explains.

Determined to recover and return to everyday life…

With determination to babysit her grandchildren once again and be there for her loved ones, as well as returning to the instruction of her CPR classes, Denise persevered through Artman’s therapy with strength and motivation.

“My physical and occupational therapists at Artman were outstanding. They both worked with me consistently, from my morning exercises in the gym to helping me walk the hallways and get back on my feet with a walker. Whatever programs they wanted me to do, I did with full steam ahead,” Denise affirms.

Occupational therapist at Artman Rehab, Beverly Heimbach, who has been with the community for seven years, worked diligently with Denise to insure that she could return home and continue to do the things she loved.

“Denise is a highly-motivated individual. She really persevered and challenged herself throughout therapy so that she could progress and get back to her life. She was an absolute pleasure to work with,” Beverly affirms.

Denise greatly admires not just the therapists at Artman who worked with her daily, but the community’s amenities that made her feel right at home.

“The on-site gym at The Becoming Center is phenomenal and it’s all right there for you. All of the accommodations are phenomenal. I didn’t feel like I was at an institution like you do some other places. Artman made me feel like I was at home,” Denise states.

Caring for residents like family…

With a fully-equipped fitness center as well as experienced physical, occupational, and speech therapists, Artman Rehab continues to help individuals gain back their independence. Whether recovering from an injury, illness, or surgery, Artman’s therapists are dedicated to helping individuals return to their everyday lives and get back to doing the things they love most.

Additionally, individuals benefit from Artman’s trusted team of nurses who manage a variety of clinical needs. Denise benefitted from this greatly as she suffered multiple injuries and required medical attention outside of traditional rehab.

“Artman’s nurses were so kind to me. I had other medical issues outside of therapy, and they took care of them without any complications,” she explains.

“There was even a point with all of my injuries that I had trouble sleeping. The nurses would bring me a glass of warm milk and sit by me and talk. They were so caring,” she says pleased.

“The woman who cooked my meals was amazing too. She was so fun and really encouraged me,” Denise shares.

With the support of Artman’s encouraging team, Denise attained her goal of achieving a successful recovery. Babysitting her grandchildren and being there for her loved ones, Denise was able to return home and walk with a cane just four months after her accident.

Return to doing what you love! Discover how Artman Rehab can help you reach a successful recovery.