Brother and Sister Golf Team Score Peace of Mind with Mom Living at Artman

June 20, 2022

Supporting Artman and the Benevolent Care Fund

Barbara “Bunny” Russell’s move to Artman in 2021 provided the opportunity for two of her three children, Hank and Ann Russell, to play in the 37th Annual Artman Golf Outing for the first time, on May 23rd at Bluestone Country Club. They enjoyed playing the course as a brother-sister team, along with 86 other players that day.

When asked what motivated them to sign up, both commented almost in unison, “It is a terrific way to give back to such a good cause. We are very happy to be able to support Artman and The Benevolent Fund through this Outing.”

The Benevolent Care Fund allows Artman residents to remain in their homes even if their funds become depleted.

After the Outing, Ann elaborates about the Golf Outing, “We have older brother, Peter, who lives in Connecticut, and he could not participate this year due to a scheduling conflict, but we hope that he’ll be able to join us next year, along with Hank’s son, Jack, who is an Assistant Golf Pro, so that we can play as a foursome. Hank and I had so much fun that day playing golf, participating in all of the competitive activities, and bidding on the raffles and auction items, that we really look forward to being able to share it with my older brother and nephew because we know they’ll like it as much as we did.” After a moment’s contemplation she adds, “The only thing that would have made the day any better would have been if our playing had been better!”

The Russells- Anne, Hank and Peter- come by their athletic interests naturally. Their mother, Barbara, played tennis competitively all her life in the Philadelphia area, and Ann and Barbara played in National Mother-Daughter tournaments until Barbara was 71 years old.

A Smooth Transition from Rehab to Personal Care

Barbara was still living in her home in Abington in 2020, after her husband passed, when she fell and broke her femur, which led to her having a hip replacement. Ann and Hank already knew about Artman’s Rehab facility, as it had been recommended to them earlier, when their father experienced health issues. Fortunately, there was a bed available for Barbara when she needed it, and she moved to Artman’s Rehab facility in October 2020.

Then, according to Ann, “When she was ready to leave Rehab, there was a room available in Personal Care, so she was able to move directly there during the early winter of 2021. The smooth transition from Rehab to Personal Care was facilitated by the Staff’s continual efforts to keep us connected and well informed, for which we are extremely grateful.”

Artman’s caring, compassionate, safe and secure environment puts our minds at ease that she is well cared for when we can’t be with her.

Ann Russell, daughter of Bunny, a resident at Artman

The Russells also value that Artman is a faith-based organization.

“Our mother’s Catholic Faith has been important to her all of her life. For many years, she was a Eucharist Minister and Lector at Our Lady Help of Christians in Abington.We are very happy that Pastor G keeps residents engaged at Artman with Mass Services because that support of her religious affiliation is important to her quality of life.”

Ann continues, “Another tremendous asset at Artman is the fact that The Becoming Center is right there. Our mother likes to walk, so three times a week, she goes there, and walks for half an hour or rides the bikes in the Fitness Center. There is also Physical Therapist on the premises, so if she ever needs that, there won’t be any travel involved to a third-party location.”

The smooth transition from Rehab to Personal Care was facilitated by the Staff’s continual efforts to keep us connected and well informed, for which we are extremely grateful.

Ann Russell

Convenience and Peace of Mind at Artman

The geographic location of Artman is convenient for Ann and Hank to visit their mother.

“I live in Blue Bell and Hank lives in Flourtown, so it is very easy for us to see her often.” She clarifies, “Hank usually visits her on the weekends, and I enjoy seeing her during the week, taking her to doctor’s appointments, hair appointments or eating lunch together, and Peter comes down from Connecticut as often as he can.”

Barbara “Bunny” Russell’s living at Artman gives her three adult children, Ann, Hank and Peter, and her six grandchildren, peace of mind. “Artman’s caring, compassionate, safe and secure environment puts our minds at ease that she is well cared for when we can’t be with her,” says Ann.

She adds with a chuckle, “Mom also loves the food at Artman, which is a good thing, because she always loved to cook, and she would never be happy if she didn’t enjoy the food where she is living.”

Discover the wonderful convenience, dining options, and peace of mind at Artman today.